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Beware Refurbishing 33

The flat I'm staying in is piled high with the boxes we spent the weekend packing and labeling. Downstairs Karol and Rafal are fixing the new joists to the front raised-ground floor. When I came in from the British Library just now I took out my phone to grab a snap of the progress. Rafal, who was bashing at the Acrow props, called out to Karol to say cheese (in the Polish equivalent), so I whipped round and took a photo of him instead. He comes first, then a couple of the floor (one of them with a side view of Karol).

Posted on Tuesday, January 2, 2018 at 12:15PM by Registered CommenterZina Rohan | CommentsPost a Comment | References2 References

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    Response: Songs Lyrics
    Largest Punjabi Songs Lyrics collection with their music videos for free. Bollywood songs, more formally known as Hindi Geet or filmi songs, are songs featured in Bollywood films.
  • Response
    Response: Songs Lyrics
    Largest Punjabi Songs Lyrics collection with their music videos for free. Bollywood songs, more formally known as Hindi Geet or filmi songs, are songs featured in Bollywood films.

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